I am very happy that you have decided to visit my Ministry Page. This page has been designed with you in heart because of what I have experienced for over 17 years now. I travel all over the world still today and one common fact that promoters, co-workers, fans, business associates, friends, and family express to me is I have a lot to be thankful for. Some call it luck but it has nothing to do with luck or wishful thinking. When I was young around the age of 19, I was attending Liberty Baptist Church in Hampton, Virginia where I attended High School and also lived with my parents. On one particular Sunday Service when the Pastor gave an altar call suddenly, I had this supernatural feeling come all over me and all of a sudden I was standing up and proceeding from the aisle to the altar to give my life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Being so young at the time and without spiritual advice, I did not realize then what really happened to me but today I do.
After being in a Spirit-filled Church where Jesus is the head of the Church and the full Bible is taught, preached, and believed many things in my life became to be very clear. Keep in mind that true change does not come over night but with anything in life that is worthwhile it only comes with consistent seeking and acquiring the knowledge of God. In addition, to gaining true wisdom from God you must be in the presence of the Holy Spirit at Church and in your personal time to change, grow and prepare for what God truly created you to do! Through all my years as a believer it has amazed me in how people think that the desires of your heart and all the dreams you wished for just show up at your front door without you having to put any effort into it at all. In the business world we work first getting an education, then working our way up the corporate ladder to attain the position that will enable us to work the majority of our lives, then retire with our dream home, spouse, kids, savings and travel the world. When it comes to God though, who can & will provide these things that we so desire we have no time for learning true wisdom to success and a life of fulfillment!
You know I have looked back at my life many times throughout my walk with God and have realized that even though I have made mistakes that ever since High School, the time I gave my life to Him I have constantly been blessed with success. Each level from High School to College to the corporate world and then WWF and even today I have been placed in positions of leadership and acquired great success at each level. I believe totally that your education sets the foundation for your success. This is the reason that if you truly have desires and dreams in your heart YOU MUST follow the true path that leads to ALL that God has in store for you. You must begin your education with Him! It was believed by our Founding Fathers that God himself endowed men and women with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Too many times though I have met people and also heard of many who have acquired all the success of the world but on the other hand they had no true joy or fulfillment inside of them and were not free but bound by items that had become idols in their lives, which eventually led to destruction of everything they worked so hard for. We have all heard and seen the stories through the news, papers, magazines, and even those close to us. The Bible says, “What is it for a man or woman to gain the whole world but lose their soul.” The only way to have true success in your life is through Jesus. He will make the crooked paths straight in your life and bring you to a place if you trust Him to a life full of peace and prosperity in all areas of your life. To do this though it takes a first step by you!
Rev 3:20 (NIV) Jesus says, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.”
To accept Jesus just say this prayer below out loud as Romans 10:9 states, “That we must confess with our mouths.”
Father, I believe that you sent your Son Jesus to die for me and Father I believe that you raised him from the dead. Jesus, I accept you as my personal Lord and Savior. I ask that you come into my heart and change me for your glory. Father I ask for the forgiveness of all of my sins and that they be washed away with the precious blood of Jesus Christ! In Jesus name Amen.
If you said that prayer right now please contact us if you have any questions. It’s important that you join us or a church in your area that is a Bible based church.
We encourage you to include your phone number and email address so that we can serve you better through any necessary correspondence. All correspondence received will be given prayerful consideration and responded to, as appropriate. All personal information provided to Tatanka Enterprises will remain completely confidential. Your information will not be given or sold to any other individuals, organizations, or corporations at any time.
Thank you and God Bless you!
Email us at: Ministry@NativeTatanka.com